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There are more than 2 billion active websites on the Internet, and more than one-third of them are powered by WordPressThis only fact figure is enough to know about the popularity and usability of WordPress among all the CMS platforms. Undoubtedly, WordPress is the Queen of all the Content managing System resources! In this article, you will learn on the latest WordPress Web Development Trends.

2019, is yet another powerful technical year. and to date, lots of the WordPress website deliver by Wappnet Systems Pvt. Ltd. But nowadays the taste of the users is changing abruptly. It’s really necessary to know your audience's demand and vision of the website development. The user doesn’t want any details on the website but the demand futuristic and eye-catching design. And we know it is possible by the WordPress theme options

WordPress 5.0 is a major release and unless you are on a managed WordPress hosting service, you’ll have to manually initiate the update.WordPress 5.0 comes with a completely new editor codenamed Gutenberg. It is a block-based editor that allows users to create beautiful layouts using content blocks.

What we are doing here is providing you with a prediction of what the top 10 WordPress trends for 2019 will be.

top wordpress web development trends

1. Video Headers

Video headers are considered decorative elements — like header images, but with motion. With that in mind, they play automatically, loop by default, and don’t have sound. They work best when paired with an image, so they can progressively enhance the experience when a video is supported.  Undoubtedly, Video headers are the number one trending web designing trend to must-on use while creating any business website.

2. Single Page Appearance 

We have seen that businesses and WordPress developers are increasingly preferring single page website and the trend would continue into the next year.

3.Mobile First 

The number of mobile and smartphone users is increasing at a rate of 10% per year. Creating a website that could be absolutely mobile responsive is worth the deal at these figures. No doubt there are computer systems too, but smartphones are equally important and are used by the masses. So, keeping the Mobile-first ideology will count gold for your business! Your website must be equally precise and easily readable in the smartphones, mobiles. Just like the Desktop.

4. Drag and  Drop Content Will be Popular

Say bye-bye to the sidebar layouts as the drag and drop in widgets are making their presence felt across the internet.  They provide a wide range of flexibility to the developers in presenting the content.

You can have full control over the display just by using content creating a plugin. Finally, we are not tied to the regular format of the WordPress website. Developers can exercise more liberty with layouts. Expect the trend to become more popular in 2019. You can include the widget on the page and position the content accordingly for optimization.

5. E-Commerce

WooCommerce is the eCommerce extension of WordPress, the most popular content management system, powering 25% of all the websites worldwide. … There are lots of WordPress users who have online shops, so WooCommerce is the most suitable solution for them. But it's not just that.

6. Content Management

Content has always been the Queen of website making, and always will be. No matter whatever creativity and technology you use, content always matters the most. You can’t back on from creating high-quality content with perfect fit images, videos, animations, graphics, etc. So, whatever you like to have on your website, make sure that it is accompanied by a well-written content with full analysis. A classy Content writer can help you out in achieving the same!

7. Animation

Starting with the flash-based website animation, the internet has reached a more vibrant and interactive form of animation technology via HTML5 and CSS3. The term ‘Particle Animation’ is also getting popular and has been used more on the websites. Using the animations you can easily provide more information to the users regarding your business. If you want to focus on giving in most of the information about your brand, and in a fun and entertaining way, the animation is what you want!

8. You Can Scale Up and Expand Your Website with Themes and Plugins

We’ve already discussed how the WordPress themes and plugins make it easy for you to construct a website, but these elements are also essential for scaling up. For a standard blog, you’ll grab a theme, adjust the design, then start blogging. The same goes for a business website or portfolio.

It’s common for the themes to serve as the site’s foundation. After that, the design work is minimal besides some color changes, logo additions, and of course, the new pages and blog posts.

9. SEO Comes First

WordPress is known for having SEO built into the platform. In fact, WordPress automatically generates title tags and meta descriptions for all of your pages and posts. This lets search engines know about your content, and it will get you indexed and potentially moved up in the rankings

10. Fashion Effects

Last but not least, adding a few fashion effects as per the website’s requirements will make it a complete business website. These days, programmers are ruining their website’s look with a lot of experiments. You should be knowing four golden terms of website visibility like Less is More, Simple, Authentic and Informal. So minimizing the combination with using the fascinating fashion effects will only lead your website to shine brighter among the others.


So undoubtedly you can create a unique and miraculous website using the WordPress platform. For creating a business website, you must be knowing the requirements of the audience. And following the latest WordPress web development trends written above, you can increase the chances of getting the best ranking for your website. Just take on as many points that suits your website creation planning, and try to create the most user-friendly website. Always remember, the users are the Ultimate Boss everywhere! Always keep this in mind. contact to Wappnet Systems Pvt. Ltd.  for the developing beautiful websites.

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